Chopped Tomatoes 全部分類

咖喱雞chicken tikka masala
雞腿肉 chicken thighs,印度香米 basmati rice,紅洋蔥 red onion,希臘酸奶 2% greek yogurt,大蒜 garlic,生姜 ginger,香菜 cilantro,唐杜香料 tandoori spice blend,切塊番茄罐頭 diced tomatoes,糖,橄欖油
綜合評分 9.7
成熟的香蕉 ripe bananas,雞蛋 eggs,紅糖 light brown sugar,植物油 vegetable oil,酸奶油 sour cream,肉桂粉 ground cinnamon,小蘇打 baking soda,泡打粉 baking powder,香草精 vanilla extract,鹽 salt,核桃碎 chopped walnut pieces(可選),面粉 all-purpose flour,植物起酥油或者無鹽黃油(用于涂抹烤盤)
綜合評分 7.4
coconut oil(椰子油),butter(黃油),cocoa butter(可可脂),powdered erythritol(赤蘚糖醇粉),vanilla extract(香草精),stevia(甜葉菊),salt(鹽),chopped pecans(山核桃碎)
綜合評分 9.3
Jamie Oliver鮮蝦芝麻菜意麪
意麪(spaghetti),鹽,黑胡椒,橄欖油,蒜,蝦,白葡萄酒,蕃茄幹(sun-dried tomatoes),1/4個檸檬的汁,芝麻菜
綜合評分 9.6
Couscous Salad
1/2 cup water or stock,Vegetables : diced,herbs: finely chopped,optional: nuts & dried fruits,olive oil &1 lemon juice & salt & pepper
綜合評分 7.3
Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake
Unsalted butter,Dark chocolate,Egg,Milk,Sugar,Salt,Flour,Baking powder,Peanut butter,Coarsely chopped peanuts
綜合評分 7.5
Garlic Bread
1 x part baked ciabatta,250g unsalted butter, softened,6 cloves garlic,flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
綜合評分 8.2
Sticky Toffee/Date Pudding
200g fresh or dried dates, stoned & chopped,1 tsp bicarbonate of soda,1tsp instant coffee,90g unsalted butter, softened,3/4 cup (170g) caster sugar,2 large eggs,V1:1 tsp vanilla essence,1 cup self-raising flour, sifted,For the Sauce,60-100g unsalted butter,1 cup light muscovado sugar or brown sugar,1 cup double cream
綜合評分 8.0
Potatoe Salad
bacon & boiled eggs,vegetables of your choice,chopped,Herbs
綜合評分 7.5
雞肉牛油果沙拉Honey-Lime Chichen Avocado Salad
boneless chichen thighs去骨雞腿肉,Romaine Lettuce生菜,grape tomatoes or cherry小西紅柿,red onion紅洋蔥,avocados牛油果,雞肉醃料:olive oil 橄欖油,salt鹽,garlic蒜,Jalapeno pepper墨西哥辣椒,chili powder辣椒粉,honey蜂蜜,lime juice青檸檬汁,沙拉醬汁:olive oil橄欖油,honey蜂蜜,salt 鹽,pepper胡椒粉,lime juice青檸檬汁
綜合評分 8.3